People & Culture Update – May 2021

Our People & Culture Executive Manager, Neil Maher, has an update on this service area.

We have a new Employment Assistance Provider on board that offers a 24/7 service to all our staff to yarn in a confidential non-judgmental space. If you would like some support to talk through your current challenges or just need to have a yarn, contact the EAP Coordinator by emailing

EAP sessions are private and confidential, and can provide you with take-away strategies to help address various work related and personal challenges, including at times when a crisis can occur. When you need a debrief you can request an urgent session yourself.

The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation with a supporting Aboriginal EAP service to promote empowerment and self-determination, and of most importantly, will be delivered in an Aboriginal culturally safe and sensitive manner.

On our community boards, you will find danger tags. It is what you do when you find something broken, tag it out! Write up the details on the tag and let your manager know it’s unsafe. Have a yarn to your manager to get it fixed or get a new one. Keep the tag on until it’s safe to remove.

If you see an unsafe item tag it, it will prevent an injury. Tags let others know it is unsafe and not usable.

More tags & ties from your HSRep or email

Reminder now is the time to get your flu (influenza) vaccinations.

For those who have has their COVID-19 vaccination, it is preferred to keep a minimum interval of 2 weeks. There is no particular requirement regarding the order of receiving a dose of influenza vaccine and either the first or the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, so getting these in any order is fine.

When should I have the flu shot? Your immunity is strongest and most effective for 3 to 4 months after you are vaccinated. Flu season is from June to September, peaking in August.

How does the flu spread? By coughs and sneezes, contact with an infectious person or touching where it is live on surfaces then then touching your mouth, eyes and nose.

How long is a person infectious for? If you have the flu, you can be infectious to others from 24 hours before symptoms start, until 1 week after the start of symptoms.

How do I stop the spread? If you have the flu, you can help stop the disease spreading by:

  • Staying away from work and childcare or schools until you are well
  • Covering your coughs and sneezes
  • Washing your hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Hand sanitise

Vaccination is the best protection from being infected and protecting our community, because the flu strains constantly changes you need a vaccine every year to stay protected.

Any staff or community that are clients of Rumbalara can be provided with the vaccine for free, or ask your GP to about the vaccines. Staff whom wish to transfer their medical care to the health service are welcomed to arrange a medical release to have their file sent to our GPs, so the clinical staff have all relevant medical history on file prior to presentation.

Phone the Rumbalara Medical Clinic on (03) 5820 0035 to book in.

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