Elder’s Facility Update – May 2021

Our Elders Facility Executive Manager, David Shipston, has an update on this service area.

As we are all aware, the challenges for the Elders in care have been enormous in 2020, isolation reduced staffing and interactions with community have had significant effects upon behaviours and lifestyle choices within the facility.

Meals are very important and regular menu meeting provide Elders input, as choice is very important so we are continuing menu meetings that gives Elders input to menu design. New food has been introduced into the autumn menu cycle that is nutritious and suited to the Elder’s choice.

Under the aged care standards and as evidenced with the Aged Care Royal Commission findings, feedback is vital to the ongoing quality improvement of care and reduction of risk to the vulnerable Elders in our care. It is great to receive feedback from community and suggestions for improvement. Overall feedback has been the Elders are happy with the meals, environment and general management of the COVID-19 situation. Some complaints regarding isolation and limitation to outside activities have been addressed, also entertainers re-entering the facility to perform and the movie night plan have been well received.

Recent events celebrated have been birthdays and significant wedding anniversaries of Elders.

Our staff attend OH&S, Fire Warden, Rainbow Tick, continuous improvement and menu meetings to improve the quality of life for all Elders. Staff education and ongoing training and skill development has been a focus during the last twelve months.

Keogh Bay consultants have visited and provided valuable culturally sensitive education to staff and Elders on the standards of care expected in the facility, we are looking forward to a full accreditation visit in June 2021.

We are looking to set up a coffee shop area within the facility for Elders staff and visitors to enjoy a relaxed environment and the aroma of coffee in the front area of the dining room. We also have a plan to work with a variety of local schools so the Elders can have engagement with younger people and also the students can learn workforce skills via placement with the Academy of Sport, Health and Education (ASHE).

Visiting the Rumbalara Elders Facilty

Restrictions currently remain in place for communal visiting within the facility, all Elders are able to have visitor in their room, all Elders have freedom to leave the facility and have visitors without masks outside of the facility an in the private home setting.

No communal meals are available yet and we have access to the activity centre for these community meals if requested.

Masks must be worn at all times by staff within the facility and delivery of direct Elder care. Also all visitors must maintain social distance and a mask when visiting in the room.

The COVID-19 vaccine is encouraged for all community and the flu vaccination is now also available, the Elders are and remain our priority in the reduction of infection control and management.

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, our Elders are starting to enjoys some entertainment and outings!

Starting from Sunday 18th April, Ray Ahmat is providing music and entertainment for our Elders, who will get to enjoy this on fortnightly basis.

The Elders outing lunch at the RSL was a big hit with the elders, and they really enjoyed themselves. The Elders are really keen to do it again with so many smiles on their faces. Shannon Firebrace and Sandra West, thank you!

A few of Elders are also attended the “Short Black Opera” for kids!

The Short Black Opera for Kids and Dhungala Choral Connection programs are designed to empower Aboriginal children by helping them to create their own songs using traditional language and contemporary experience.

Elders enjoyed a KFC picnic day on Wednesday 28th April, they all so got to enjoy the art and visited the new home of Kaiela Arts inside the the new Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) building.

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